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Yes?! ... Then dive into a plethora of offerings  (paid & free) that include modern technologies + ancient wisdoms - synthesized to potently alchemize you to live permanently pain-free & fully mobile naturally.

Ready to Get
Pain-Free & Feel Amazing Again?

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Hi friend,

Potent Guidance for Modern Mystics & Mavericks
Ready to Reclaim & Regenerate Their Body & Thrive!

My name is Jai Lee Galanti, founder of Organic Movement, & go by Jai Lee (Jāy Lēē) ... in classic southern style.

I help natural health enthusiasts like yourself to dig deep and get to the root level causes of any pain & immobility you're experiencing to reverse the imbalance & disrupt naturally - without drugs or surgery.

You innerstand that true health is achieved through harmonic reasonance and balance at every level of the 'body' - physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, and even etherical (luminous) - and want more than mere symptom suppression.

You are calling in radical regeneration - to return fully to your natural divine state of health & vitality for full unencumbered living - & I'm here to act as your guide during your sojourn into rememberance.

My name is Jai Lee Galanti, founder of Organic Movement, & go by Jai Lee (Jāy Lēē) ... in classic southern style. I help natural health enthusiasts like yourself to dig deep and get to the root level causes of any pain & immobility you're experiencing to reverse the imbalance and disrupt naturally - without drugs or surgery.

You innerstand that true health is achieved through harmonic reasonance and balance at every level of the 'body' - physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, and even etherical (luminous) - and want more than mere symptom suppression. You are calling in radical regeneration - to return fully to your natural divine state of health & vitality for full unencumbered living - & I'm here to act as your guide during your sojourn into rememberance.

Jai Lee Galanti is a Body Strategist - specialized in Rehabilitative Pilates, Natural Functional Movement, Fascia Release, Safe Stretching Techniques, and AcuTonics Vibrational Sound Healing (aka NeedleLESS Acupuncture), along w/ various NeuroKinetic, biomechanic, somatic and metaphysical modalities for potent health & functional mobility regeneration ... who also sprinkles her work with numerous energetic practices (woo woo that works) for extra juiciness!

i'm jai lee

. . .  providing

schedule chat

Prefer to Talk to a real person & feel things out ...
then decide what your next move will be?

Click below to book a Discover Chat with me - which is a 15-20 minute triage of your 'health & wellness mission'. Together, we quickly map out your journey from your current state to desired state, including the top constraint(s) which require shifting for your most potent transformation, & determine your next best step ... whether with me in one of my containers and capacities, or with a referred outside source which better aligns with your immediate desire and need. 

not sure quite where to even begIn, and ...

(...or continue to roam      about the cabin freely...)

then Let's
do this!

READY to activate your
vibrant, energized
& permanently pain-free body?

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Organic Movement's studio is quietly nestled within the tree-lined Creekside Office Park, just off Highway 92 in Roswell, GA ... & intentionally designed to surprise and delight all of your senses upon arrival - to engender the immediate release of all your stresses from the day.

In Studio Services

potent private sessions 

equipment-based Pilates,
fascia  release/stretch, 
acutonics sound healing, private parties,
workshops, & more ... 

Services are flexibly structured to align with your specific desires - whether you prefer only one modality or combos, sporadic or consistent sessions, and shorter or longer durations. 

All sessions are offered either as an individual pay-as-you-go one-off, as part of a discounted bulk package, or as a weekly recurring (timeslot held) session within a monthly membership.

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Organic Movement's Online Studio is designed to empower you with the knowledge & skillsets to potently activate your own natural healing solutions & pain preventions - all from the comfort of your own home. 

Online Offerings

empowering masterclasses
& transformational programs

balance / fall prevention,
prescriptive rehab routines,
self-care sound therapies,
nervous system regulation,
& other health & wellness gems ...

Grab your ear buds & adult sippy cup - then join us ... a tribe of courageous mystics & mavericks going deep, entering the cocoon of BEcoming ... experiencing transformation together. 


connect & listen in

courageous caterpillars

Let's prepare for butterfly emergence and live out the last stage of life as our most deeply satisfying!


check out all THE REVIEWS

“Jai Lee is knowledgeable and the feedback she provides is gold.”

“Balance has become my priority because of my age, and she has more ways than I ever imagined to train that muscle memory of my body!”

“She is knowledgeable, professional, and a lot of fun to work with.”

“(She is) one of THE most knowledgeable trainers I have worked with in the last 15 years!”

[click image link →]

I'm Jai Lee, your new nature-loving, energy sensitive, natural health obsessed guide.

I'm Jai Lee Galanti - founder of Organic Movement LLC,  launched in January 2021 to help maturing men & women ("Modern Mystics & Mavericks") get pain-free naturally, without drugs or surgery, utilizing a plethora of natural healing methodologies in a synergetic fusion.

More specifically, I combine Rehabilitative Pilates, Natural Movement Exercise, Resistance Training, AcuTonics Sound Healing (aka NeedleLESS Acupuncture), Ancient Chinese Medicine, Energy Medicine, Neurokinetic & Somatic practices, as well as naturopathic principles - to eliminate pain, boost natural healing & immunity, strengthen, lengthen, improve mobility, secure stability, balance hormones, as well as calm & regulate the nervous system.   

I'm here to ensure your "Butterfly Era" is robust, vibrant, and fulfilling.  It's time to THRIVE - Let's Get Moving, and Keep Moving together!

jai lee galanti

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 Top Resources

"Decoding Pain Signals"  


Download this Mini Manual (PDF) today. Think of it as your Cliff Notes Version of Metaphysics - for learning your body's somatic language. "Decoding Pain Signals" deciphers 33 common body signals - revealing the emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual needs hiding beneath each of your pain symptoms ... along w/  recommended practices for addressing each underlying issue(s).


snatch up this gem —

Ready to Meet in the Studio & Get Started?

free studio intro session - book online

All in-studio bookings are managed through  an app called Vagaro. Follow the link below to access it. It will book your session, prompt you to complete any forms required, as well as send you appointment reminders.



step one to pain eradication? knowing why!

Figure out what your wisdom body is trying to tell you. You can learn to decode your body's metaphysical language with this mini manual - which reveals the emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual needs hiding beneath 33 common pain symptoms.